Monday, March 24, 2008

黄山ヶ原 ~ファンサンボル~Hwangsanbul (황산벌), or Once Upon a Time in a Battlefield

高句麗, 新羅, 百済 3国の紛争が絶えなかった 660年, 娘の仇である百済ウィジャ王に恨みを抱くキム・チュンチュ(太宗武烈王)は唐と連合軍を結成してキム・ユシン将軍に唐の司令官であるソ・ジョンバンとの交 渉を言い付ける. 年齢の差で何とかしようとするキム・ユシン. わずかな年齢の差でソ・ジョンバンに押されて, 結局 7月 10日までに朝貢を調達しなければならない. ドックムルも沖合まで朝貢を運ぶためには百済軍を突き抜けなければならないのに, 百済にはキム・ユシンの永遠の宿敵ギェべク将軍が・・
The movie starts out with a meeting between the rulers of Baekje, Silla, Tang China, and Goguryeo. They are arguing why the Korean southern kingdoms have to pay tribute to China, even though Tang is only 50 years old. The king of Silla sided with the King of Tang. It flashes forward to the scene in which Baekje soldiers ruch to the king stating ill news of Silla and Tang allying together, bringing an army of 50,000 soldiers. The Baekje council discusses battle plans. But in the end, all of the officials run away in cowardice. The king of Baekje calls for the great warrior, Gye Baek. He accepts the offer to protect his country after three glasses of wine. There was an order at night for two Baekje soldiers to converse with Silla soldiers at the Silla camp. Silla and Baekje both have different dialects in their language, so the soldiers have to adjust the way they spoke. But, one of the soldiers slips and accidentally uses a Baekje word, causing commotion within the Silla ranks.


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