Sunday, April 25, 2010

女優たち 여배우들 Actresses







あらすじ: 健康機器メーカー、総務課長として働く佐々木竜平は、人事部に呼び出され、リストラを宣告される。突然の出来事に、呆然としたまま帰宅するが妻、恵にリストラされたことを言い出せなかった。夕食時、小学校6年生で次男の健二はピアノを習いたいと言い出すが、竜平は反対。翌日から、会社に行くフリをして、毎日ハローワークへ通っていた。ある日、大学生の長男・貴が、世界平和のためにアメリカの軍隊に入りたいと言い出す…。



Monday, April 12, 2010

Boat ノーボーイズ,ノークライ (ハ・ジョンウ/妻夫木聡)







Like You Know It All 잘 알지도 못하면서 よく知りもしないで by Hong Sang-soo

Plot (from Wikipedia)

Film director Koo Gyung-nam is invited to sit on the jury of the Jecheon International Music and Film Festival, where he meets attractive festival programmer Kong Yun-hee. He later travels to Jeju Island to deliver a lecture, and while there meets a painter and his wife.

Plot (from 輝国山人の韓国映画)


Production (from Wikipedia)

Like You Know It All is Hong's second film to be shot on HD video following his previous feature Night and Day, released in 2008.[1] The film is being produced independently with a short shooting period and low budget of $100,000, with the cast—some of whom have appeared in Hong's earlier films—working without any fees upfront.[1][2] Shooting commenced in Jecheon, August 2008, where the real-life Jecheon International Music and Film Festival is held annually, before moving to Jeju Island where filming continued into September.

A member of the main production staff said, "the film steps away from the sharp beauty of cinematic form, trying to make some changes while being more loose in form but more dynamic in atmosphere. It is more hilarious but also bitter at the same time."

From Auteurs
Sunairi: 出ました、ホンサンス。話は前と比べてかなり軽いというか別に軽い趣になったのではなく、印象はあっさりとしています。面白くそして少しビターな、けどその状況に悩むのではなく、自身もすっかり驚きながら、でも進んで行くみたいな心境。






Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Sun Behind the Clouds: Tibet's Struggle for Freedom - Directors Ritu Sarin, Tenzing Sonam

Synopsis: THE SUN BEHIND THE CLOUDS updates the struggle for Tibetan independence, focusing upon the March 2008 demonstration against Chinese rule, the largest ever since the 1959 take-over of that nation. The Dalai Lama, living in exile in Northern India, is interviewed extensively and given the opportunity to explicate his “middle way,” a compromise position he has to date been unsuccessful in getting the Chinese to accept. Supporters of Tibetan independence who are devoted to the Dalai Lama, but who nonetheless feel “the middle way” is an ineffective solution, appear in the film, detailing their more militant position. --© Film Forum
Sunairi: 監督の一人、Tenzing Sonam は非常にクールなインド語訛りの英語で状況を解説するがこれは客観的に伝える物語でなく、少しずつ少しずつダライラマ中心の仏教をコアとした考え方から、もっとグラスルーツ的なフリー・チベットの精神の方に趣が変わる。ダライラマのシーンは孤独、滑稽さ、そして無意味なひょうきんさを強調する場面が多く、チベット社会の嘆きとはなれて行くダライラマの姿を映し出す。しかしフリーチベットの若者たちの考え方は非常に見ててわかっていないようにも見える、「インドから中国へ歩いて平和的にプロテストをすることにより世界がフリーチベットに注目し」と熱く語る男性の考えはひょうきんに自己の散在のストレスをギャグにするダライラマと同じように私には滑稽に見えた。



more films by Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam

"Tibet in Song" by Ngawang Choephel

A unique story of struggle and survival of Tibetan folk music. This beautiful film seamlessly traces the history of Tibetan music to the present day through Tibetans who most exemplify their struggle for cultural survival, but whose voices are routinely stifled by Chinese oppression. The beauty of traditional Tibetan folk music is showcased through a variety of working songs, songs about family and the beauty of the land. These rarely seen performances are deftly juxtaposed against startling footage of the early days of the Chinese invasion and the Dalai Lama's flight into exile in 1959. Tibetan musicians, singers, and political prisoners, including the film's director, Ngawang Choephel, all speak out and hearken the film's message of universal truth and responsibility.
Sunairi: 話は面白い展開で始まる。興味深いチベットの一般の人たちの歌うフォークミュージックをレコーディングしようと作者は旅をする。しかし、中国に何らかのスパイといわれ拷問を受け牢屋に入れられるところから映画は政治的なものに変わり、彼が初期にレコーディングした音楽は映画の中で全く見せず終わる。少しがっかりだった。映画試写会のときは監督が来て質問を受けたが、怒りに満ちた彼はもうもうとフリーチベットを語った。その後Ngawangと会ったが彼は僕の意見を聞き、僕の見解で仲間かどうかを聞くような態度だった。

"Unmistaken Child" Directed by Nati Baratz. With Tenzin Zopa

In Nepal, a venerable monk, Geshe Lama Konchog, dies and one of his disciples, a youthful monk named Tenzin Zopa, searches for his master's reincarnation. The film follows his search to the Tsum Valley where he finds a young boy of the right age who uncannily responds to Konchog's possessions. Is this the reincarnation of the master? After the boy passes several tests, Tenzin takes him to meet the Dali Lama. Will the parents agree to let the boy go to the monastery, and, if so, how will the child respond? Central to the film is the relationship the child develops with Tenzin.Sunairi: Beautiful film and beautiful culture.....fascinating I would say. As you can read the synopsis, this movie deals with soft and intriguing aspect of Tibetan Buddhism that in the process of it, question of authenticity arises in such an interesting way. Beyond of all, the boy who reincarnates from a venerable monk is so adorable. It is a bit like kidnapping under the respected tradition of Buddhism, so the religious institution and tradition can take a child away from his parents......and his father and mother so beautiful, a kind of poetic scene of handsome father deciding to say yes to helping all sentient beings by giving his baby boy up to Buddhist cause. How profound.......

The baby boy is just a baby even though he reincarnates his old self....a venerable monk, as he starts to acknowledge that he remembers his past and all, he gets excited by admirer giving him children toy such as plastic helicopters, toy cars and airplanes. It is so adorable and what a beautiful moment of culture that needs to be protected.

By the way, this film resembles "The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche" (directed by Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sona)as my friend told me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

ヒマラヤ,風がとどまる所 Himalayaeui sonyowa "Himalaya, Where the Wind Dwells"

A Korean executive ventures into the Himalayas in order to deliver the remains of a Nepalese migrant worker to his family. 43歳のチェは,偶然に弟の工場でネパール青年トルジの葬式を目撃する。そして,彼の遺骨を故郷に伝達してくれという要請を受ける。




